Peter Clapman

Peter Clapman, a member of our Advisory Council since its inception, passed on February 9, 2021. We appreciate having had the benefit of his wisdom and guidance.

Peter C. Clapman was the Senior Vice President & Chief Investment Counsel for TIAA-CREF for 32 years until his retirement in 2005. In this role, he organized and headed its corporate governance program, domestically and globally. He has been active in many organizations concerned with corporate governance and director education.

He was a member of the Stanford Directors Forum and a speaker at many of its Directors and Fiduciary Colleges. He currently is a member of the advisory board of the University of Delaware Governance Center. He has been on committees of NASDAQ, NYSE, and the London Stock Exchange.

He was on the Board of the National Association of Corporate Directors for three terms, which advises independent directors on best practices for key corporate governance issues.

He was the independent Chair of the AARP mutual funds board. He was on the board of iPass, a NASDAQ listed company, where he was Chair of the Governance Committee and served on its Audit Committee.

He served as Chair of the International Governance Network for four years, which gave him the 2005 award for his significant achievements in improving global corporate governance standards. He also received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Corporate Governance from Corporate Secretary magazine in 2010.

He is a graduate from Princeton University and earned the JD degree from Harvard Law School.